Monday, January 5, 2009

More on John Gill

John also apparently could do a one-arm lever pull-up!

you can read about this feat and other all time bests on his website

here is one recent entry that impressed me:

Rob Chisnall: Born 1952, Rob was a rock climber who has become an acknowledged expert in knot analysis. His record of 22 one-arm chins - done on a suspended ring, like the one used by Lillian Leitzel in 1918 - was briefly noted, without comment regarding dynamic or static style, in the Guinness Book of World Records(1989). Reportedly, he also did one-arm levers and various other bodyweight feats.


  1. Great blog guys -- I'd seen a few of your videos on Youtube, but only found the blog through the CrossFit forums today. I'll be reading it all!

  2. I'm glad you're enjoying it. Feel free to request topics or ask questions in the comments.
